
Find the version history below.

Version History

[*] feature modified
[+] feature added
[-] bug fixed

[*] Fixed proxy problem in online search test
    - The test button in 
      'Menu-Options-Preferences-Online Search'
      did not consider the current proxy settings

[+] Added server test button to online search settings
    - 'Menu-Options-Preferences-Online Search'
[-] Fixed problem in nominatim online search
    - Search was broken due to a changed API

[+] Added temperature to waypoints pane
[+] Added temperature to diagrams
[-] Fixed problem with imperial unit conversion
    - Diagrams did not convert pace units properly
    - Waypoints pane did not convert pace units

[-] Fixed broken graphs in elevation pane
    - Fixed missing DGM gradient graph
    - Re-ordered graphs and their line color

[-] Fixed broken gradient histogram
    - The y-axis scaling was wrong

[+] Added more project pane columns:
    - Average heart rate
    - Average cadence
    - Average power

[+] Added average power to diagrams
[-] Fixed problem in average heart rate diagram

[-] Fixed broken elevation data source
    - The API changed beginning with 2023-03-01

[-] Fixed header of 'Menu-Options-Preferences'
    - The header font was broken in Windows 10
[-] Project pane: Fixed flawed layout that caused
    rightmost item to be truncated if vertical
    scrollbar is visible.
[-] PropertySheet: Fixed high contrast text color
    of page header.
[-] Fixed slow performance of 'Menu-File-New'.
[-] Fixed flicker in project pane during 'Menu-File-New'.
[*] Waypoints pane: Column auto-size (by double click
    the header divider) now considers the header
    and all list items.

[+] In 'Menu-Options-Preferences-Elevation'
    - Added Test button to test data sources
    - Fixed drawing problem of data source list box
[-] Fixed problem in proxy settings
    - In 'Menu-Options-Preferences', if the proxy
      settings are used for e.g. server or
      connectivity tests the proxy was not
      being considered.

[+] Added tooltips for partially visible items
    to project pane and waypoints pane.

[-] Fixed auto-sizing problem in project pane columns

[-] Fixed error message after calling recent files
    - On a fresh program start, after having used
      the print preview an error message popped
      up on opening one of the recent files.

[+] Relief shading is now capable to be printed
[+] TimePlanner improvements
    - Added more bicycle profiles
    - Added necessary power for wanted cycle speed

[+] Relief shading is now available for all maps

[-] Fixed sporadic problem in bookmark toggling

[+] Added support for local SRTM1
    (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission, with 1" (30m) resolution)
    - Setup in 'Menu-Options-Preferences-Elevation'
[-] Fixed naming problem on FIT import
    - Sport and sub sport were not correctly included in name

[+] Added comment field to project

[+] Supported another public elevation server.
    - 'Menu-Options-Preferences-Elevation',
      choose 'Open-Elevation'
[+] Added 'Elevation Tutorial' to help files

[+] Introduced power values
    - Imports power values from FIT/TCX
    - Added power to waypoints pane columns
    - Added current power to diagrams
    - Added power histogram to diagrams
[+] Handle GPX import less strict related to extensions
[*] Show sub sports in name on FIT import

[-] Fixed typos in print configuration setup

[+] Added help content for open/save/import/export
    - Added help button to file dialogs
    - Added related help page
[+] Minor additional improvements in help content
[*] Modified the waypoints pane header click
    - Left-click sorts the waypoints
    - CTRL+click selects the min/max value.
[*] 'Menu-File-Insert' in project pane now inserts
    children and not siblings as before.

[+] Added configuration option: Menu-Tools-Import/Export
    - FIT import of course points as waypoints can be configured now
[*] FIT import: Laps and course points without coordinates
    are now ignored.

[-] Fix problems with FIT import
    - Some activity files have not been imported properly

[+] Added optional indoor support to FIT import
    - 'Menu-Options-Preferences-Import/Export', 
      checkbox 'Indoor support'
    - Creates mock coordinates based on distance values
      if record contains no latitude/longitude.
    - This option is enabled on default.

[+] Added device info to imported FIT activities

[*] Function help page: Added button images and accelerators

[+] Added Garmin map key 'Menu-Map-Map Key'
[-] Fixed crash under wine showing dynamic help content.

[-] Fixed keyboard shortcuts in preference pages
    - Inconsistent and ambiguous keys removed.

[*] Completely reworked the map download
    - The download is now open for all tiles servers
    - Help files extended
[*] Remove redundant message in RasterMapExplorer
    - Delete is no longer to be confirmed twice.

[-] Fixed crash in Raster Map Explorer
    - Deleting the currently visible map caused a crash.

[+] Added central help button to 'Menu-Options-Preferences'
[*] Renamed Internet-based tab of 'Menu-Tool-Geo Search'
    from 'GeoSearch' to 'Online Search'.
[+] Added help file for Garmin map setup
[+] On first launch the help system is placed on the same
    monitor as the application.
[*] More restrictive routing for racing bikes

[+] Improvements in help files

[+] "Menu-Edit-Copy Special-Copy Coordinates" now copies the
    actual cursor position if been triggered by a keyboard
    shortcut instead of the map center position.
[+] Added "Copy Coordinates" to map context menu
[+] Course Wizard: New checkbox 'Close wizard after saving'
    - Saves a button click and makes handling more fluent

[+] Added more help content

[*] Build creates deterministic binary outputs now
[-] Fixed problem in print preview
    - Closing the preview window by Alt+F4 left a zombie window.
[+] Minor changes in help files

[+] Added help instructions to import photos as waypoints.
    - Help contents, topic 'Planning'
[-] Fixed problem with waypoint links
    - In case of overlapping waypoints a mouse
      click did not open the photo

[+] Help content:
    - Added help button to 'Menu-Preferences-Mouse Gestures'
    - Added help button to 'Menu-Preferences-Keyboard Shortcuts'
    - Added help content for keyboard shortcuts

[-] Fixed bug in 'Menu-Preferences-Garmin Map-Typ filter'
    - The zoom level range check was not working correctly
[*] Improved help files

[*] Made dialog bar hiding behavior consistent
    - CTRL+F4 hides the dialog bar
    - ESC resets focus to main window
[*] Re-arranged Menu-Help
[-] Fixed problem with special accelerator keys
    - Some special keys (WIN, MENU, etc.) caused weird
      behavior when chosen for keyboard shortcuts
      in 'Menu-Preferences-Keyboard Shortcuts'

[-] Fixed focus on activation of diagrams and elevation bar

[-] Fixed missing focus rectangle in elevation bar buttons
[*] Modified Menu-View
    - Moved toolbar related menu items to 'Toolbars' sub-menu
    - Moved pane related menu items to 'Pane' sub-menu
    - Moved 'Show Project' to 'Panes-Toggle Layout'
[*] Modified Menu-Tools
    - Added new menu items for diagrams and elevation

[*] Updated the help file for the Course Wizard.
[+] In Menu-View: Active view is now marked

[+] The parameters of 'Menu-Project-Course Wizard' can now
    be arranged to named profiles. This allows to quickly
    switch between individual preferences, e.g. for running or
[-] Fixed problem with Unicode characters in Garmin map preferences
    - In 'Menu-Options-Preferences-Garmin Map', characters
      of non-ANSI code pages (e.g. Greek or Cyrillic) corrupted
      the map settings name.

[-] Fixed weird behavior of point tracker
    - If the point tracker was visible and a track point has
      been inserted before the tracker point the map focus
      jumped to the tracked point and the user lost the
      current position.

[-] Fixed problem with track data
    - Empty data caused an exception (debug only)

[+] Added configuration option: Menu-Tools-Import/Export
    - FIT import of laps as waypoints can be configured now
[*] Set default detail for Garmin maps to 75
[-] Fixed typos in user interface
[-] Consolidated capitalization in user interface

[-] Fixed problem in export of FIT files
    - On some Garmin Edge devices exported courses were
      not displayed correctly in course map preview
[+] Help content:
    - Added Garmin Edge device to best practices
    - Fixed typos

[-] Fixed problem with some IMG files (Thanks to Carlos BJ!)
    - Some IMG files have not been displayed properly
      due to a problem in read algorithm of directory

[*] Removed optional small toolbars
[-] Fixed minor bugs in help files
[-] Fixed color problems
    - System color change could made toolbars invisible
    - Color corrections for high contrast colors

[*] Improved help files
[-] Fix problem in routes/tracks sorting in ProjectView
    - Sorting of some columns was broken

[*] Improved icon design in draw tool bar
    - Added branch icon
    - Redesigned link icon
[*] Improved usability of 'Menu-Project-Course Wizard'
    - Added separated save buttons for FIT/GPX/TCX
[*] Modified 'Menu-Project-Time Planner' dialog
    - Added option to invoke Course Wizard on OK

[+] Added heartbeat histogram
[+] Added cadence histogram
[*] Fixed problems in histogram diagrams
    - Empty histogram in last pane caused wrong x-axis
    - Histogram setting changes didn't force redraw

[+] Added heartbeat and cadence to tracks
    - Listed as optional columns in waypoints pane
    - Editable as trackpoint property
    - Visible as graphs in diagrams
    - FIT import
    - TCX import
    - GPX import/export

[*] Fixed problem with ini-File
    - In case of empty but present ini-File the settings
      were not written
[*] Help: fix broken links

[+] Added FancyRoute feature list to help content

[+] Added licensing info
[+] Request user to confirm EULA on first startup
[*] Info dialog:
    - Fixed word-wrap bug
    - Center dialog as default
[-] Fixed problem in 'Menu-Tools-Map Analysis'
    - Commands 'Extract Images' crashed on folder selection

[*] Modified recent document list in 'Menu-File'
    - Moved to submenu
    - Increased maximum items
    - Added option to clear items
    - Shows full path and extension

[+] Improved TimePlanner
    - Automatically obtains elevation if necessary
    - Improved help content

[+] Made waypoint/route/track edit dialogs resizable
[*] Always center About dialog to the main window
[+] Added elevation to point preview dialog
[+] Improved Course Wizard
    - Added GPX for better support of GPX based devices
    - Fixed elevation problem, elevation was smoothed 
      even in case of not being updated
    - Changed 'Update Elevation' to have a 3rd state
      in order to update only if necessary
    - Changed 'Average Speed' to have a 3rd state
      in order to update only if necessary
[+] Help content
    - Added 'GPS Device Offline Synchronization'
    - Revised 'Tutorial' regarding device communication

[+] Added end user license to Menu-Help and About-dialog
[*] Internal modification of command identifiers
    - Needed to reset user keyboard shortcuts to default 
    - Needed to reset user gestures to default
[-] Help content: fixed problem in mouse functions

[+] Improved FIT-file import
    - Added all fit-lap properties to lap-waypoint comments
    - Added all fit-session properties to track comments
[-] Removed elapsed time from being displayed on waypoints
    Project waypoints is a loosely coupled set of items, so
    it doesn't make sense to show relations between them.

[-] Fixed routing problem with maps build with mkgmap
    r4360 or later. Dead-end-roads did not route.
[-] Fixed problem in TimePlanner
    - EquivalentFlatDistance caused negative elapsed time
[-] Updated GPX/TCX xsi:schemaLocation Garmin URLs

[+] Improved project pane columns:
    - Strictly separated times and distances in
      'total', 'tracked' and 'moving'
    - Time/distance/speed calculation is now independent
      from show and hide state of track segments
[+] Fit import: removed track segmentation by km-splits
    - Laps do not any longer create track segments
    - Timer stops create track segments now

[-] Fixed split diagrams
    - 100m/1km splits suffered from cumulative tolerances insofar
      as long distances showed incorrect split lengths

[+] Improved FIT import in order to support latest fit devices
[+] Cleaned up way length calculations regarding
    tracks and track segments

[*] Combined certain functions to 'Menu-Edit-Copy Special'
[+] Added 'Menu-Edit-Copy Special-Copy Map Box'
    - Copies content of a bounding box to clipboard
[+] Help: Added menu function help
    - To be found in help contents
    - Lists menu commands and description

[+] Selective point renaming is now possible in points pane
[*] Fixed minor error message problem in mile stone creation

[+] HelpSystem: ALT+LEFT/RIGHT keys translate to back/forward
[+] Course Wizard: Show warning if precalculated course timing
    is in danger to be overwritten by average speed.
[*] Point Renaming:
    - Migrated to new help system
    - Introduced new placeholder
[*] Migrated 'Create Milestones' to new help system
[-] Fixed keyboard problem in help system
    - In case of a message box is active in main window
      the help system didn't react on keyboard input

[+] Added routes/tracks sorting in ProjectView
    - Select routes/tracks; then right-click into column header
[*] Elevation diagram: Nearby waypoints will not be marked
    if waypoints are not visible
[-] Fixed problem with main view crossbar persistency
    - In some cases the project view was not visible
      on startup
[-] Fixed: Ascent/Descent showed 0 if no elevation data

[+] Migrated to HTML based help pages
[+] Added context sensitive help system - Press F1
[-] Fixed problem in load/save keyboard settings
    - Multiple load/save dialogs at the same time were possible
[-] Stability fixes in resizable dialogs
[-] Fixed typos in user interface
[-] Fixed missing focus rect in diagram controls
[-] Fixed default button problems in GeoSearch bar

[+] Added tooltips to map status bar

    - Windows 7 or later required
[+] Made application visual style aware
    - Menu-Options-Preferences-General: "support visual styles"
[*] Moved tab control of GeoSearch to top of the pane
[-] Fixed missing dropdown sections of toolbar buttons after
    change of button size
[+] Added more tooltips to GeoSearch pane
[+] Toolbar tips show assigned shortcuts now
[+] Added tooltips to diagram bar

[+] Prettied range sliders
    - Diagram bar
    - Elevation bar

[-] Corrected original filename in 64bit exe-file properties
[-] Fixed problem with update if the exe has been renamed
[-] Fixed problems with update test
    - Proxy have not been considered
    - Introduced wait cursor

[*] Fixed minor problem in Garmin map tools 
    (Menu-Tools-Garmin Map Tools-Map Analysis)
    - Some commands didn't accept an empty map path field

[+] Added simplified Garmin map installation by drag and drop
    - Drag and drop gmapsupp.img into application window
[+] Improved map analysis (Menu-Tools-Garmin Map Tools)
    - Command "List Defined/Undefined Elements":
      - Added user defined labels
      - Improved text alignment
[*] Garmin maps: The default typ file shows all items now,
    the non-standard types included
    - Menu-Options-Preferences-Garmin Map, field: 'typ file'
[-] Fixed minor problem in relief shading button bar
    - Button was not grayed out in case of enabled relief shading
      after switched to vector maps
[-] Fixed problem in appearance of typ-file based POIs
    - POIs using colour mode 0x20 in typ-file did not appear
    - Map analysis (Menu-Tools-Garmin Map Tools) didn't extract
      POIs properly if colour mode 0x20 used
[-] Fixed problems in typ-file based polylines
    - If day and night images have been defined the night image
      was ignored and the label text was corrupted
    - Extended types (>0x10000) with zero subtype (e.g. 0x10f00)
      have not been rendered
[-] Fixed problem in map item info
    - Resolved intermixture of item name and item type name
[-] Fixed formatting problems in map item tip
[-] Minor fixes and adjustments in help files.
[-] Fixed combobox style of field 'typ file' in Garmin setup
[-] Fixed problem in tdb-file reader
    - Some overview maps interfered with actual maps
[-] Fixed umlaut problem in help search text

[*] Removed Menu-Tools-Womo SP to POI
[+] Added comment column to project view
[*] Trimmed comment fields in project and point view
[-] Fixed some minor typos in help files

[-] Fixed crash after large number of map reloads
    - Caused by a device context leak during map load

[+] Added time stamp correction
    - Menu-Project-Time Stamp Correction
    - Allows to correct tracks from GPS devices with GPS week bug
      -> Add multiple of 7168 days (== 1024 weeks) to time stamps 
[-] Fixed bug in track selection
    - Tracks containing multiple single-point track segments
      got not properly selected by mouse click

[+] Improved mouse key mappings
    - Modifier keys (CTRL/ALT/SHIFT/WIN) can be combined now
    - Setup: Menu-Options-Preferences-Mouse Buttons
[+] Optimized pan/zoom navigation in maps (optional)
    - Setup: Menu-Options-Preferences-Mouse Buttons
[+] Added F11 as default fullscreen shortcut
[*] Removed 'ALT+left mouse button' as middle mouse button alternative
    - Use regular mouse key mappings

[+] Added toll to Map Item Info (right click-Map Item Info)

[+] Added JPG support
    - GPS-tagged JPGs (exif) can be imported as points of interest
[+] Improved drag'n drop
    - Multiple files will collectively be imported now into
      current document rather than be opened one after another
    - A single files will be opened as new document or will be
      imported if CTRL-key is pressed during drop
    - Dropped folders will recursively be scanned for files
    - All drop files can be mixed, the right import method will
      be chosen automatically

[*] Made compatibility code changes in order to be compliant
    with up-to-date compiler versions

[-] Fixed bug in "Top50 ASCII (.ovl)" file export filter
    - The section [MapLage] has not been written properly
      what in turn led to a corrupted .ovl file.

[-] Fixed bug in TimePlanner (corrects 2019-06-20)

[+] Added new features to TimePlanner
    - Added new profile of bad downhill runner
    - Added option to append a planning summary to courses
[-] Fixed minor bug in diagram "Time Elapsed Relative"
    - Zero-movement could cause false spikes 

[*] Adjusted some default settings
    - Added default keyboard shortcuts
    - Enabled scale bar

[+] Added move/pause threshold to preferences (read-only)
    - Menu-Options-Preferences-Diagrams

[+] Allowed diagonal map moves by pressing up/down-key
    together with left/right-key

[+] Added quick start manual in Menu-Help-Manual

[+] Added 32bit hint to Menu-Options-Preferences

[-] Fixed a problem in update mechanism via http proxy
    - Proxy settings were not properly handled 

[+] Added OpenStreetMap geocoding search (                    
    - Only for Windows Vista or newer (https cipher limitation)
[*] Menu-Options-Preferences-GeoSearch
    - Changed to be default
    - Changed default timeout to 10s
[-] Fixed problem in bookmarks
    - "Next Bookmark" crashed if all bookmarks were invalid

[+] Project view can be copied as CSV data now
    - Select project view: Menu-View-Project, then
    - Menu-Edit-Copy CSV

[+] Added (experimental) cycling profile to Time Planner
[+] Added moving time/speed/pace to project pane
    - The moving time is the elapsed time reduced by pause periods
    - Threshold is 1 km/h fix

[+] Added option to user-define the gradient histogram increments
    - Menu-Preferences-Diagrams
[+] Improved update download speed

[+] Added option to automatically smooth elevation after
    download of elevation data
    - Menu-Preferences-Elevation: Checkbox: 'Auto-smooth elevation'
[+] Added 'what's new' to update check

[+] Added update mechanism
    - Menu-Help-Check for Updates
[*] Improved initial toolbar visibilities and positions

[*] Fixed some problems in time calculations

[+] Added time planner for courses
    - Menu-Project-Time Planner
    - Calculate course timing, considering
       - Base speed
       - Equivalent Flat Distance
       - Periodic Pauses
       - Pauses at points of interest
[+] Added timing diagram type to diagram view
[+] Added diagram overlays
    - The diagrams view now contains a button to add multiple
      secondary route or track graphs to the main graph
[*] Tidied up Course Wizard design
[-] Fixed inconsistencies in menu items and descriptions
[-] Fixed minor problem in diagram updates on focus change

[+] Added special-character-warning to Course Wizard
    - Special characters in course name may cause problems.
    - A warning message suggests a fix (transliteration).
    - Enhanced the help text.
[*] Minor optimization in transliteration of strings

[+] Added gradient calculation:
    - Added gradient curve to elevation diagram
    - Added gradient diagram to diagrams view
    - Added gradient histogram diagram to diagrams view
    - Added gradient column in points view
    - Added decimal digit to elevation
[+] Added elevation data smoothing
    - Menu-Project-Smooth elevation data

[-] Fixed broken elevation and geo search server queries:
    - (elevation and geo search)
    - (elevation queries)
[*] Minor modifications in Datum Conversion Tool
    - Deviation rounded to mm instead of m
    - Shows more fractional digits of semi-minor axis

[*] Minor change in course wizard help

[-] Fixed font problem in map item info
    - Unicode characters did not show up
[*] Made map info equivalent to map item info
    - Text can be copied now
[-] Fixed problem in address search with active tile filters
[*] Improved tile filter and address search help text
[-] Fixed problems in raster map management
    - Deleting overwriting existent map failed
[*] Made map download more robust (Menu-Map-Management-Download)
    - Download complained about InternetExplorer version
      even if latest version was installed
    - Migrated to Google Maps Api 3
    - New precondition: Internet Explorer >= 10
    - Added help button

[-] Fixed geo search on
[-] Fixed geo search on

[+] Improved coordinate parser
    - More formats accepted now

[+] Added FIT export to the course wizard
[+] Course wizard improvements (TCX+FIT)
    - Course summary (distance, time, pace) and elevation
      profile will now be shown on the fit device

[+] Search: Added button to select all results

[*] Optimized corridor search in order to make it faster

[+] Added corridor search
    - A route/track can serve as basis for the Garmin item search.

[*] Set USB as default communication path with Garmin devices
    (formerly COM).
[*] Renamed the former NMEA to 'Live Tracking'
[+] Added Garmin PVT (Position Velocity Time) to Live Tracking options
    - Garmin devices supporting PVT data via USB or COM can 
      now be used for real-time position tracking, see
      Menu-Device-Start Live Tracking.
    - Log facility now allows creating NMEA log files during 
      live tracking
[-] Fixed some bugs in device communication:
    - COM ports > 9 did not work
    - Device search did not work reliable
    - Import of NMEA logs showed waypoint doublettes
    - Import of NMEA logs currently recorded did not work
    - Menu entry for start/stop live tracking was not enabled
      in all panes 

[+] Added time edit option to waypoints
[+] Added edit of multiple points
    - In points view multiple waypoints can be selected for
      editing. The Edit dialog contains checkboxes in order
      to allow a certain property to be changed then.

[-] Fixed performance problem with huge amount of waypoints/routes/etc.
    - Introduced user adjustable drawing timeout
    - Shows warning in case of timeout and leaves remaining items out
[*] Elevation view: In DGM mode the diagram doesn't show the measured
    elevation graph if no data is available (flat line will
    be omitted).

[*] The splash screen is not longer topmost (doesn't stay on top)

[*] GeoSearch and GarminSearch search result to waypoint
    - More than one search result can now be converted
    - Select one or more search result items and press Waypoint-button
    - For just showing the positon of the focussed (not selected)
      item press the Show-button
    - Removed the pointless edit control for the coordinates

[+] Added POI import from database
    Menu-Tools-Womo SP to POI

[-] Address search: fixed problem of intermixing map tiles
    in case of having multiple maps of same family open

[+] Added zip search to Garmin search pane.
    The map has to be compiled with address index.
    For further details press ?-button within search pane.

[+] Improved Garmin search by transliteration of names
    - Names containing non-ascii characters (Umlaute or characters
      containing diacritical marks) can now be found using
      normal ascii characters (ö->o, ø->o, à->a, ß->ss, etc.)

[*] Minor improvements in Osm xml wizard
[+] Added region to address search results
[+] Added city search (without street)

[+] Added address and house number search to Garmin search pane,
    The map has to be compiled with address index.
    For further details press ?-button within search pane.
[+] Added tool for creating artificial maps in
    OpenStreetMap format: Menu-Project-OSM xml wizard
    For further details press ?-button within dialog.

[-] Fixed: Problem of colour quantization in
      Menu-Tool-Garmin Map Tools-Typ Image Importer

[*] Menu-Tool-Garmin Map Tools-Map Analysis:
    - Fixed: 'List Elements' ran forever
    - Added typ counter to 'List Elements' output
    - Map and Typ fields can be left empty for current map
[*] Increased maximum possible zoom of World and Garmin map
[+] Improved drawing performance of very long, straight
    track/route segments on high zoom level

[+] Improved the Garmin map search:
    - Added help button for further explanations
    - Added simple numerical search for typ-ids
    - Added sophisticated filter search for typ-ids
    - Added polygon types to categories
    - Added all-types entry to categories
    - Added text search in typ-id-strings
    - Added secondary sort order (distance) to search results
    - Fixed cryptic character in street name results

[+] Menu-Options-Routing Profile: Added menu items for access flags

[-] Fixed: During map movement the cursor mistakenly showed the
           icon of the preceded trackpoint insertion.

[-] Fixed: Course name not transferred to TCX-file
[-] Fixed: Minor corrections in Course Wizard help
[-] Fixed: Course track point limit applied even if disabled

[*] Menu-Project-Course wizard:
    - Added option for limiting maximum segment length
    - Help file and best practices added (button in top right corner)
[-] Fixed: Removed point doublets during build of routes/tracks
      by subsequently use of route offers (CTRL-key routing).

[*] Fixed broken TCX-export (Menu-Project-Course Wizard)

[+] Menu-Map-Info: Added hint in case the (Garmin) map could not be
      loaded completely.
[+] Statusbar: Clicking the map field leads to Menu-Map-Info

[+] lat/lon format parser: Added the prime/double prime
      unicode characters 2032/2033 as to be recognized for
      minutes/seconds units. Apostrophes and double quotation marks
      are still supported.

[+] New: Auto-route on insert trackpoint (press CTRL during drag)
[-] Fixed a problem in length indicator field of map status bar
    - On begin of track/route build the length indicator showed
      a nonsensical value
    - On track insert the length indicator always showed 0
[-] Fixed: Open files (gpx, etc.) using drag'n drop followed
           by multiple undo-operations caused a crash
[-] Fixed: Imprecise calculation led to point doublets
           in auto-routed tracks
[-] Fixed: On dragging track points together with auto-route
           the final track sometimes contained an
           unexpected, extra point

[*] Garmin Search: In case the 'Reference' field is empty
    it will take current map center position.
[-] Fixed problem with extended types: subdivisions messed up
[*] Adjusted routing profiles:
    - Race Bike: Class 4 roads are allowed to a higher cost
    - MTB: Tracks will be rewarded
[+] Menu-Tools-Garmin-Map Item Info
    - Shows detailed information about the Garmin map elements
      under the cursor position.
    - This is a kind of analysis function in order to explore
      the map elements, useful e.g in case of strange routing

[+] Introduced highway shields in Garmin maps

[*] Menu-Options-Preferences-Garmin Map
    - Minor changes in help files
    - Improved syntax check of 'map file' field

[-] Fixed problem in unicode names of major streets

[+] Re-engineered the typ processor
    - Extended types can be handled know
    - Polygons can be transparent
    - Current limitations:
      - 24bit pixels not supported in point
      - Semitransparent pixels not supported

[-] Fixed problem with embedded typ-files in gmapsupp.img
    - Embedded typ-files have been ignored

[+] Added version number to splash screen
[+] Added Unicode support for Garmin maps 
[+] Fixed minor problem in display of tracks/routes on huge map scale

[+] Added file dialog buttons for map- and typ-file selection in
    Garmin map preferences
[*] Adjusted car routing profile to reward oneway class 4 roads
[*] Map drawing: Labels with darker luminance have priority to
                 brighter labels
[-] Fixed: Preferences: Changes in Garmin Tile Filter did not cause the
           map to be reloaded
[-] Fixed: Quick selection list for pre-saved Garmin map configurations
           marked the current configuration even if Tile Filter
           was different

[-] Fixed a potential memory access violation during opening maps
[-] Fixed routing problems with maps compiled by mkgmap > r2998#
    - The arc/link structure of NOD1 nodes changed
[-] Fixed routing problems with combined roads (roads consisting
    of more than one polygon)
    - It could happen that instead of following the road the
      route contains shorter parts of straight lines
[*] Re-engineered restriction processing

[+] Added preview to TCX-Course Wizard
[-] Fixed minor issues in trackpoint preview dialog
[-] Fixed issues in Preferences::Garmin Map
    - Path/label/filter strings will be right-trimmed before display
    - Name of current configuration will be displayed
      if it matches one of the saved configurations
[+] Quick selection list for pre-saved Garmin map configurations
    marks the current configuration now

[-] Fixed: Dialogs might go off-screen in case of switching
           a multi-monitor setup back to a single monitor setup
[+] Added quick selection list for pre-saved Garmin map configurations
    - Click on the arrow next to the 'Garmin Maps'-button
      in the 'Navigation' toolbar

[-] Fixed malformed time strings, e.g. "00:05:60.0"
[+] Added more precision to diagram-y-axes-scaling in case of showing time
[+] Added course file capability to FIT/TCX import
[+] Added TCX course export: Menu-Project-Course Wizard
    - Routes/Tracks/TrackSegs can now be exported as course to
      Garmin fitness watches (310XT, 910XT, ...)

[*] Tolerates BOM characters on GPS/TCX file import now

[-] Fixed incompatibility with Windows XP/2000,
    FancyRoute crashed on startup due to missing "CancelIoEx" function
[+] Allowed Simplify-command for multiple routes/tracks in map view
[+] Allowed Split-command for multiple routes/tracks in map view

[-] Fixed the native USB communication with newer Garmin devices (eTrex 20/30, etc.).
    It turned out that most of the protocol functions of native USB communication
    are no longer properly supported. In fact only loading of the active track from the
    device is working and a few of the unrelated protocols.
    Garmin seems to prefer the GPX protocol to the native communication.
    Supported protocol examples:
    eTrex Vista HCX:P000 L001 A010 T001 A100 D110 A201 D202 D110 D210 A301 D312 D302 A400 D110 A500 D501 A600 D600 A601 D601 A700 D700 A800 D800 A801 D801 A900 A902 A903 A904 A905 D900 A907 D907 D908 D909 D910 A908 D911 A914 A916 A917 D917 A918 D918
    eTrex 30:       P000 L001 A010 T001                               A301 D312 D302           A500 D501 A600 D600 A601 D601 A700 D700 A800 D800           A900 A902 A903 A904 A905 D900 A908 D911 A912 D912 A913 D913 A916 A917 D917 A919 A918 D918
    This, relaxed protocol handling can be enabled/disabled using
    Menu-Options-Preferences-Device/NMEA-Garmin-checkbox "strictly conforming to Garmin spec"
      checked:   strict handling
      unchecked: relaxed handling

[-] Fixed some minor issues in label capitalization
[*] Added label codepage support
    - shows proper labels for maps compiled with codepage other than latin1 (1252)

[*] Minor change in Menu-Tools-Garmin Map Tools-Typ Image Importer

[+] Introduced thousand separator in map scale info and tool bar
[*] STRG + Menu-Map-Navigation-Raster Maps
    - Switches to raster maps and sets the center location to the current position.
      If the current selected map does not cover the center area, the algorithm tries
      to find another raster map at the given position.
[+] Added "Center Map" option to Menu-Map-Navigation-Goto Position
    - checked: move map center to the given position
    - unchecked: set position tracker to the given position

[-] Fixed problem displaying labels containing '&' characters

[-] Fixed: Overwriting Garmin map configuration does not longer append a new item to list
    - Menu-Options-Preferences-Garmin Map: Save button
[-] Fixed minor bug in label capitalization
[-] Fixed minor bug in typ file parser (neutral language strings)
[+] Completed garmin symbol feature list

[+] Made ESC-key behavior customizable
    - Menu-Options-General

[-] Fixed sheetline display problem
[-] Fixed: ESC during route/track drawing without user message
[-] Fixed: Exit/new/open during route/track drawing without user message
[*] Removed Menu-Project-Create
    This menu is misleading and redundant. Use Menu-Edit-Ins instead.  

[-] Fixed snap-to-bookmark precision problem

[-] Fixed: Empty tile names in tile overview
[-] Fixed: Scrambled labels on maps containing much text

[+] Added snapping function to snap cursor to objects
    - Menu-Options-Preferences-General-Snap

[+] Enhanced home coordinates
    - Unified home coordinates: Menu-Options-Preferences-General
    - Show home icon in map: Menu-Options-Preferences-Style

[*] System of measurement added to Menu-Options

[+] Added keyboard to mouse button mapping.
    - Menu-Options-Mouse-Mouse Buttons
[*] Map: Toggle bookmarks at cursor position using context menu

[+] Added metric/imperial units conversion
    - Setup in Menu-Options-Preferences-Units
[-] Fixed: Unable to change visible state of routes in project pane

[*] Modified default settings for Geo Search preferences (Google search included)
[*] Modified control order of Garmin Search dialog (improved usability)

[+] Improved Garmin-IMG file treatment of large files
    - IMGs even larger than the address space can be opened now (32bit)
    - 64 as well as 32 bit version can be open all gmapsupp.img files now
[+] Added map description to Garmin map info
    - Menu - Map - Map Info
[+] More intuitive item arrangement in list boxes (ALT+UP/DOWN, dragging)
    - Menu - Options - Preferences - Garmin Map (configuration list)
    - Menu - View - Arrange Fields

[-] Fixed: Wrong error message in case of routing non-routable maps

[-] Fixed: Splash screen may hide error messages
[-] Fixed: Misleading error message on open non-existent files

[-] Fixed minor problems in label print

[+] Modified printing setup capabilities
    - removed WYSIWYG printing of maps (less intuitive)
    - added option to preserve aspect ratio on map printing
    - added footer with page count

[+] Label display beautified

[+] Added basic FIT (Flexible and Interoperable Data Transfer) support (read only)
    - supports activities

[+] New function: Added new, fully adjustable diagram pane
      - Menu - View - Diagrams Bar

[-] Fixed problem in handling of local SRTM3 data
      - negative altitudes have not been handled correctly
[-] Fixed cosmetic problem with elevation range sliders

[+] Added some columns to waypoint pane (100/1000m pace, etc.)
[+] New function: The fields of project pane can be arranged now
    - Menu - View - Adjust Fields
    - Waypoints pane - context menu (right click) - Arrange fields 

[+] New function: Smoothing of elevation curves
    - Use "Sm"-button in Elevation bar (Menu-View-Elevation Bar)

[+] New function: The fields of waypoint pane can be arranged now
    - Menu - View - Adjust Fields
    - Waypoints pane - context menu (right click) - Arrange fields 

[+] Added basic TCX (Garmin Training Center) support (read only)
    - supports activities

[+] Added automatic feet to meter conversion of contour lines labels

[-] Fixed problem in 64bit version - programmed crashed
    on wpt/route/track modifications during map redraw.
    The problem occured also on loading gpx files during

[-] Fixed problem in hill shading - it worked no longer after
    changes from 2013-05-07

[+] Menu-Tools-Garmin Map Tools - Map Analysis
    - Added new command: List Boundary Box Tiles
      Lists all tiles filtered by a user defined boundary box

[-] Fixed serious problem in Garmin map handler.
    - In case of multiple Garmin map files have been specified
      the problem caused the program to hang if the last
      map could not be opened.

[+] Made img-reader more robust against weird FAT sections

[+] Added support for local SRTM3
    (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission, with 3" (90m) resolution)
    - All the hgt-files have to reside under a single folder
    - Setup in Menu-Options-Preferences-Elevation
      -> Set 'SRTM3 database folder' 
      -> Enable SRTM3 in 'Elevation Data Server'
    - Usage: Menu-Project-Obtain elevation data

[+] Multiple files/folders are now possible in Garmin maps
    - Menu-Options-Preferences-Garmin Map: base folder field
      -> separeate multiple files/folders by '|'

[-] Fixed problem in img-files which have only level 0 filled with objects (TRE).
[-] Fixed problem with Garmin map file name extensions:
    - Found false image map files with file extension longer than three characters,

[*] Modified the typ filter syntax.
    The typ filter specifies the explicite inclusions now.
    Excluded types have to be preceeded by NOT keyword.
    For complete syntax see built-in typ filter help.

[+] Polyline TYP optimization: Polylines defined by user
    bitmaps will be tried to convert to native user-style-lines
[+] Added popup menu to routing profile indicator in map status
    bar. Click into routing profile pane lets it appear.

[*] Google geo-search no longer needs API-key

[+] Added splash screen to not let the user wait until
    maps have loaded completely

[+] Introduced anchor points for tracks.
    Click into selected track to add/delete a maximum of two
    anchor points. The anchor points define begin and end of
    a rubberband section for trackpoint movement and instant routing.
    The anchor points are not persistent and disappear as soon
    as the track looses it's selection state.

[+] Menu-Tools-Garmin Map Tools - Show Subdivisions
    Shows Garmin map subdivisions. This is an analysis feature
    to illustrate the subdivision boundaries of each img-file in
    relation to the real content of this subdivision.
    To show the content of a wanted subdivision drag the topleft
    corner to the hot area of map surface.
    This option resets on each program start.

[+] Menu-Tools-Garmin Map Tools - Map Analysis
    - Added new command: List Subdiv Boundaries
      Compare boundaries from subdiv header to the boundaries defined by subdiv content

[+] Ways (streets,borders,etc.) included to Garmin map search capabilities.
[+] Locking Garmin map (detail-)level is now possible using Menu-Map-Navigation-Lock Map or
    Navigation menu bar. Level-locking is not persistent.
[-] Fixed: Keyboard shortcuts crashed in fullscreen mode.
[*] General preferences page shows full path in "Inifile Location" instead of relative path.

[-] Fixed: ALT+mouse dragging conjured the menu up in fullscreen mode
[-] Fixed: Minor problems in trackpoint instant routing

[+] Added experimental instant routing during trackpoint dragging (CTRL+drag)

[+] Added menu commands for changing current routing profile: Menu-Options-Routing Profile
    Assigning keyboard shortcuts or mouse gestures to quickly change the routing profile
    is now possible.

[+] Added new pane to Map-Statusbar showing current routing profile.
[-] Fixed problem with disabled routing profile (routing was still possible)

[-] Fixed some problems of Menu-Edit-Copy Coordinates:
    - Copied wrong coordinates when cursor was not in map window
    - Elevation value will not longer be appended, even if DGM is available
    - Format follows format specification from Menu-Options-Preferences-Unit.
    - Order of copied coordinates is always "lat,lon", independently from format spec

[-] Fixed some memory related problems showing large maps on 32bit systems.
[-] Fixed problems in Garmin map info (Menu-Map-Management-Map Info)
    - path not showed correctly
    - whole command disabled in case of no raster maps are available
[+] Added available virtual memory to map info (Menu-Map-Management-Map Info).
    If virtual memory runs short on 32bit systems (large Garmin IMG files, ~2GB)
    the application may show a strange behavior (drawing, map download etc.).
    Remark: In order to increase the virtual memory use the tile filter.
            It allows to exclude parts of the Garmin map from being showed.
            (Menu-Options-Preferences-Garmin Map-tile filter)

[-] Fixed delay on showing 'View' menu in case of invalid current printer.
    When no valid current printer has been defined in system showing
    expanding the 'View' menu or using one of the contained commands a long delay
    might occur.

[-] Fixed problem with color picker windows on secondary monitor
[+] Added default color/line style for waypoints/routes/tracks
[+] Menu-Options-Preferences-Style:
      Combined all style options in new property page
[-] Fixed problem in routing of routes/tracks that contain waypoints
    laying exactly on road junctions

[+] New function: Menu-Project-Straighten
    Removes redundant turns from track/route. After auto-routing of
    routes/tracks with multiple stopovers this function removes
    unnecessary detours. It cuts all such detours which just have inserted
    to to exactly meet the intermediate waypoints.

[-] Fixed problem on closing full-screen mode in case of unsaved documents

[+] Added full-screen mode: Menu-View-Full Screen

[+] Added length info of selected route/track to indicator pane in status bar

[-] Fixed GUI-concurrency problems during item creation,
    - Project and list view are now disabled during track/route creation
    - Undo/redo is disabled during track/route creation

[+] New function: Menu-Project-Show exclusive
    Hides all items but current one
[-] Fixed crash when project tree lost its current selection during undo/redo
[-] Fixed minor problem with selection mark in project tree during undo/redo
[-] Fixed windows position of undo/redo-list on secondary monitor

[+] Added directional arrows to route/track lines (Menu-Preferences-General:show arrows)

[+] Current level in Garmin maps is now persistent
[+] Added bookmarks feature to maps (Menu-Edit-Bookmarks)

[*] Window state on startup revised:
    - If Windows starts the application "minimized" or "maximized" it overrules
    the saved window settings from last session.
    - If Windows starts the application with normal style and restoring the
    last window position is enabled (Menu-Preferences-General) the main window
    will start normal or maximized, depending on last session.
    - If Windows starts the application with normal style and restoring the
    last window position is disabled the main window will be showed normal. 

[+] Menu-View-Expand to Paper Size: Expand window to adjust map to paper size.
[+] Menu-View-Shrink to Paper Size: Shrink window to adjust map to paper size.

[-] Fixed memory problem on large-distance routing (splitted routing
    failed on re-processing frame0)

[+] New command line option (debug only): /LogFile 
[-] Fixed performance problem on frame-selecting large amount of map items
[+] Added ini-file location to Preferences/General

[*] Changed diagnostic features in ini-File
      In section [Diagnostic] the entry RoutingMaxFrameNodes is not longer supported.
      Use RoutingMaxFrameBytes= instead.
      It limits the memory consumption of routing algorithm. On default
      the limit is defined by the system's memory. On systems with
      large memory and feeble processor a performance degradation
      may be avoided by setting this limit.
      On 64 bit versions of FancyRoute this parameter may prevent the system from swapping.
      The drawback of memory limitation is a less optimal route on large distances.
      Examples: 200M;100000 K;2000000000;1G

[+] Made project ready to compile for 64 bit Windows

[-] Fixed font problem in street labels - bad font of orthogonal labels
[+] Performance improvement in drawing outlined labels - now using CDC::StrokePath
    instead of GetPath() and polyline drawing

[+] Typ-File controlled rendering:
    - Fully transparent POI types will now be handled like labels (centered text)
    - Label colors now supported (POI,POLYGON,POLYLINE)

[+] Improved re-routing of already routed tracks/routes.
    Fixed turn-cost problem on coincidence points.

[*] Draw selected map items on foreground

[-] Fixed problem in print preview

[+] Made Menu-Project functions available in map panel

[-] Fixed problem on Copy'n Paste (Unicode)
[-] Fixed problem on load/save Garmin map configurations
[+] Implemented large-distance routing (memory bounded)
    + Added diagnostic features to ini-File
      - In section [Diagnostic] set RoutingDumpNextQueue=
        to dump content of next frame's starting nodes.
      - In section [Diagnostic] set RoutingMaxFrameNodes= to
        limit the maximum number of nodes handled per frame. On default
        the limit is defined by the system's memory. On systems with
        large memory and feeble processor a performance degradation
        may be avoided by setting this limit. The drawback of node
        limitation is a less optimal route on large distances.
        A good compromise for an AMD E-A350 per example is 100000.

[-] Fixed problem on export gestures to Unicode
    ini-file (was unreadable for non-Unicode version)

[-] Fixed problem on saving gpx-files (crash in UTF-conversion)

[+] Migration to Unicode
    - Moved ini-file to UCS-2 ini-file
      - automatic conversion from ANSI to UCS-2 on program start
      - backwards compatible to non-unicode versions
    - Encodes gpx-files using UTF-8 now instead of local ANSI
    - Decodes UTF-8 gpx-files if encoding tag is UTF-8 or not
      present or empty, otherwise gpx decodes local ANSI.
[+] Fixed problem of imprecice cut/branch point depending
    on zoom factor
[*] Autoadjust color depth of downloaded maps before save to image

[*] Updated development environment
[-] Fixed potential buffer overflow in Garmin map reading

[*] Modified memory handling on routing (used boost::pool)

[*] Changed asynchronous behavior of instant routing

[+] Added branching of routes/tracks (Menu-Map-Draw-Branch)
    Select alternative track. Grab end point of selected track
    and draft it to track to be branched.
[+] Added arrowhead to link/branch animation to indicate direction

[+] Routing of waypoints added.

[+] Fixed problem in autorouting with 'no ferry' restriction

[+] Fixed problem in DGM Elevation Server.
[+] Fixed problem in milestone creation from concatenated track segments
[+] Show hourglass on close.

[+] Adjusted City Bike profile

[+] Made visible state persistent in GPX.
[-] Fixed bug in GPX output: 
[+] Menu-Options-Preferences-Routing:
      Added style options for routed path
[+] ALT + left mouse button simulates middle mouse button

[+] Menu-Options-Preferences-Routing: Added ferry and toll feature.
[-] Weird routing crossing tile boundaries if routing destination is
    on first road segment of neighboring tile.
[-] Problem in track length calculation (huge value in status bar)

[*] Added settings file - registry settings are not longer in use
      Settings handling order:
        1. Check command line for /IniFile 
        2. Check %ModulePath%\FancyRoute.ini
        3. Check %AppData%\FancyRoute\FancyRoute.ini
        4. Create %AppData%\FancyRoute\FancyRoute.ini
        5. Use registry if all above failed

[+] Tile filter format changed (Preferences-Garmin Map)
      Changed format for tile enumeration to boundary box.
[+] Menu-Edit-Copy Boundary Box: Select a particular map area
      and copy it's coordinates to the clipboard. Usefull to
      setup tile filter.

[+] Elevation server setup improved: Preferences-Elevation
[+] Tile filter added: Preferences-Garmin Map
      Allows to exclude particular tiles from being displayed.
      Use this to reduce mapped-memory size on large maps.

[+] Allow routing in raster maps using Garmin map

[-] Fixed crash on deleting multiple trackpoints using eraser tool,
      where a whole middle track segment is going to be deleted.
      Additional: On deleting multiple tracksegs in a row the
      undo function undone each deleted trackseg separately.

[-] Fixed problem with dotted lines in muli-segment tracks
[+] New function: Extend existing route/track (carry on drawing).
      In drawing mode click on already selected route/track to extend.

[*] Xml-Codec translation error fixed ("<",">")
[+] Dotted line type added to tracks

[+] Menu-Project-Routing: Find path based on given track/route points
[-] Routing: Wrong enter/exit street connections in case of concurrent roads

[-] Fixed: Running into out of memory while routing
           large maps crashed application.
[+] Added support for 3GB address space. (Has to be enabled
    in boot.ini using: /3GB /USERVA=2990). Large address support
    enables handling of maps up to 3GB.
[-] Fixed problem with Garmin img-files containing more than 1 directory
    header blocks (large source).

[+] Routing: Included turn restrictions
[+] Routing: Vehicle profiles fine tuned

[-] Fixed problem with rendering of thin lines.
[-] Fixed problem with routing from/to oneway streets
[-] Fixed problem with intra-segment routing

[+] Routing: Releasing CTRL-key breaks routing immediately

[+] Routing: Roaming between map-tiles now available.

[*] File open handling improved: Current document keeps valid in case
    of open new file failed.

[+] Menu-File-Reopen added

[+] Shell links integrated into waypoints.
      - Insert <>-tagged commands into waypoint comment, 
        e.g.  or <"c:\tmp\my exec.exe">.
      - Hold CTRL+SHIFT key pressed while left-clicking on the waypoint.
      - Use Menu-Edit-"Open Link" to open links using keyboard or
        self define short-cuts in Menu-Options-Preferences
[+] Hover mode added to link cursor

[-] Routing: Route length indicator corrected.
[+] Routing profiles added: Menu-Options-Preferences Routing:

[+] Routing: Turning costs included
[+] Routing: Improved proper subimage selection on boundary start points

[+] Enter and exit points refined. They are limited
    to routable roads depending on path profile.

[-] Crash on change Garmin map setup if Garmin map search was
    not yet visible during the current session.
[-] Excluding Garmin overview maps from directories
    did not work properly on map loading.
[+] Garmin Search: Made both, "RV-Camping" and "Camping" available
    in "Lodging" as well as in "Recreation"

[-] Crash on close application if dockable control bars were floating.
[-] GPX import filter: Wrong time in case of time zone
      e.g. 2010-07-01T12:43:36.658+01:00

[-] Bug in NOD parsing

[*] Routing improved (still experimental)
      - fix race bike profile
      - press control on track drawing to route

[+] Experimental routing added

[+] Garmin Map Search: added subcategory search

[+] Menu-Tools-Geo Search
      - Added "Garmin Map Search" tab

[+] Menu-Tools-Garmin
      - Added tool for Garmin map analysis
      - Added tool for Garmin typ file image extraction
      - Added tool for Garmin typ image importing into MapTk project
      - Added tool for Garmin typ polygon order editing
[+] Menu-Device
      - Added device USB/COM selection

[*] Preferences property sheet changed to tree view
[-] GeoSearch dialog: incomplete display of 'Find what:' input line

[+] Point renaming tool added: Menu-Project-Point Renaming
    - Provides changing of name/comment/symbol of all points of
      project/waypoints/routes/tracks in a row.

[-] Strange button appearance after switch from big to small buttons
[+] Menu-Project-Convert: Route-Track conversion
[+] Route send-to/receive-from device implemented

[+] Large toolbar support completed

[+] Garmin maps: All POIs visible using default typ setting.      

[+]       Large toolbar support added (design not yet complete)

[+]       Display mode of waypoints added.
[-]       GPX-Filter: Fixed wrong gpxx::TrackExtension tag in routes.

[-]       Formatting problems on UTM coordinates

[-]       Map status save error on starting with file attached.

[*]       Sheetlines suppressed within Garmin map view.

[-]       Fixed bug in click proximity

[+]       GarminMap: Typ filter added
           - Menu-Options-Preferences-Garmin Map

[-]       GarminMap: Fixed title tips sensitivity of POIs

[-]        Typ file parsing errors fixed:
           - wrong POI record length
           - POI 28bit palette entry length (flags:0x20)

[+]        User defined map download tile shift ratio added
           to manually adjust scrambled map tiles
           - Menu-Options-Preferences-Calibration/Download

[+]        Multimonitor support added

[*]        Garmin Maps: Drawing speed improved

[+] New:   Garmin Maps Typ-File support
           - Menu-Options-Preferences-Garmin Map

[+] New:   Garmin Maps integrated (Open Street Map, Garmin Compilation)
           - Menu-Options-Preferences-Garmin Map

[+] New:   Obtain elevation data from WWW
           - Menu-Options-Preferences-Elevation

[+] New:   Right mouse button pressed during mouse wheel
           changes map scale (same like CTRL+wheel)
[+] New:   Menu-Help-Mouse Function Help

[-] Fixed: Problems on printing symbols on some printers

[+] New:   Display nearest waypoints within elevation diagram
           - Menu-Options-Elevation

[+] New:   Selective elevation update from DGM in points view

[+] New:   Print on multiple pages
[+] New:   Symbols included in milestone settings

[+] New:   Menu-Project-Split: Split route/track into multiple
           chunks of same, wanted size.

[-] Fixed: Optimized large track amount handling in project view
[-] Fixed: Horizontal splitter snap effects on changing splitter
           position after main window has been resized over
           pane size. 

[+] New:   Speed and Avr.Speed columns added
[+] New:   Track/Route/Way-points view:
              Click to column header to show min/max value

[+] New:   Accept dragged files
           Press CTRL key during drop to import dragged files instead
           of open.

[+] New:   Menu-View-Show Project

[*] Modif: Mouse wheel logic inverted (more common handling)
           - wheel up:   zoom in
           - wheel down: zoom out

[-] Fixed: Accelerators did not work on program start with file
           open argument
[+] New:   Relief Shading
           - Menu-Map-Relief Shading
           - Menu-Options-Raster Map: Shading section

[+] New:   Menu-Options-Garmin: send track color
           Forces color of tracks to be send to target device map.

[+] New:   Menu-Options-Garmin: send track visibility
           Forces visibility of tracks to be send to target device map.

[-] Fixed: Creator attribute on gpx-export corrected (former: FancyRouteCE)
[-] Fixed: Loop on goto geo-search-result/position to position
           not covered by any maps
[-] Fixed: Problems on download/calibration of current active map
[+] New:   Open maps are not longer allowed to get overwritten
           by foreign applications
[+] New:   Menu-Options-Calibration: select map after calibration

[-] Fixed: Minor problems on draw mode switching (screen refresh)

[+] New: Menu-Options-Calibration: select map after download
[+] New: Menu-Options-Calibration: calibrate map after download
[+] New: Menu-Options-Calibration: download size warning limit
[+] New: Menu-Options-Calibration: download color depth reduction
[+] New: Menu-Map-Navigation-Prev Map: select previous map of current position
[+] New: Menu-Map-Navigation-Next Map: select next map of current position

[+] New: map download: map type pre-selection

[-] Fixed: Miscalibrated map downloads which cross the date line (180/-180)
[-] Fixed: Miscalibrated large maps (whole world) which contain repetitive areas

[-] Fixed: Menu-View-Waypoints did not work properly
[*] Modif: More intuitive settings in map download dialog

[+] New:   Toolbars added for map drawing/zoom/navigation/management
[*] Modif: Symbol selection combobox: character key selection added
[-] Fixed: Problems with gesture re-arrangement
             Old gestures and keyboard shortcuts may lead to wrong
             commands. Load default gestures/short cuts in

[+] Garmin symbol support added
    - Menu-Options-Preferences: show symbols
    - Menu-Edit-Properties: symbol combobox

[+] New: gpx, Garmin color extensions supported
[-] Fixed: Validation errors in gpx xml output format
[-] Fixed: Memory leak in ovl-binary export

[+] New: Route/Track color support

[-] Fixed: NMEA device mode displayed wrong speed value

[-] Fixed: Improved exception handling on map drawing in
           case of not enough memory
[+] New:   NMEA import/export filter

[-] Fixed: Sheetlines selection allowed outside of valid
           current map area
[+] New:   MapExplorer: 
            - Clickable map overview
            - Map overview visibility is persistent now

[+] New: Decrease map color depth in calibration dialog
         (must be enabled in preferences)

[-] Fixed: Error in image import (bad tile order)

[-] Fixed: Color failure in file export of 24 bit maps

[-] Fixed: Caret handling of hidden project/waypoint panes
[+] New: Gesture re-assignment
[+] New: Creating a fresh waypoint/route/track from project menu
[+] New: Discrete insertion of waypoints,routes,tracks,routepoints,trackpoints

[+] New: World Map, extended latitude range to +-unlimited

[+] New: Route/Track simplification
[+] New: Universal Polar Stereographic Projection N/S added
         to predefined world map projections

[+] New: Garmin USB device support
[+] New: Comment field in waypoints/routepoints

[+] New: UTM coordinate format support added

[-] Fixed: Map loading: Different maps with identical names
           will be not longer skipped
[-] Fixed: MapExplorer: Deleting of map did not work properly
           if the map has been re-calibrated just before.

[-] Fixed: Map Download: tile problems fixed under IE7

[+] New: GEOREF coordinate format support added

[+] Modif: Map status panels moved to discrete map bar.
[+] Modif: Map status panel added to indicate locked map
           in case of map autoswitch off.
[+] Modif: Auto-switch map across map scales on position tracking,
           GeoSearch and GotoHome

[+] Modif: Map Download: hid map source informations
[+] Modif: Map Download: physical layer added
[+] Modif: Map Download: Proxy authentication dialog suppressed in
           case of valid proxy configuration (preferences)

[+] New: google maps server included in geo search
[+] New: GeoSearch preferences: Menu-Options-Preferences-GeoSearch
[+] Map Download: Resizable progress dialog to display long
    file names

[-] Fixed: Map Download: Problems on downloading maps larger
           than 180° horizontal length

[-] Fixed: Map Download: Scale problems on large satellite scale
[-] Fixed: Map Explorer: Problems on map deletion

[-] Fixed: Map Download: missing status text

[-] Fixed: Calibration error on map download in case of 
           manual map movement
[+] New: Map Explorer: new button to permanently delete maps
[+] New: Map Explorer: new button to re-calibrate maps

[+] New: Map Explorer
[+] Modif: Find appropriate scaled map on GotoHome()

[+] New: map auto-switch option in map menu and raster map preferences

[+] New: Map download from Google Maps Server
[+] Map import dialog: progress dialog added to save procedure

[-] Fixed: Return key did not switch so selected map
           in map selection mode.

[+] New: Labels added to items in map view
         Show/hide labels by Preferences/General

[-] Fixed: bug in milestone dialog

[+] Datum conversion tool added to Geo Calculator

[-] Fixed: Ref points did get lost on raster map creation
[+] Map Import dialog: re-calibration of raster maps

[+] Improved map info
[-] Fixed: file name related bug in MapImport dialog

[-] Fixed: bug in lat/lon parsing (very long decimal places)

[-] Fixed: bug in most recent used file list
[-] Fixed: bug in map import image zoom
[+] Menu-Map-Reload: re-loads all maps (useful to apply map import)
[+] Map import dialog is modeless now
[+] Map import dialog: added user selected approximation algorithm
[+] Map import dialog: image rotation
[+] Map import dialog: save calibration only by Ctrl+'Save Map'
                       (the image itself will not be changed)

[+] Import of user images into calibrated maps (Menu-Map-Import Map)
[-] Copy of more than one selected item in map view did not work

[-] Fixed problems on set home position using context menu
[+] New: Copy current position as text to clipboard
         (Menu-Edit-Copy Coordinates)

[+] User defined position tracker look and color added

[+] GPX file import covers GPX 1.0 now (previously V1.1 only)