Garmin Typ File
This setting can be found in ‘Menu-Option-Preferences’, section ‘Garmin Map’, field ‘Typ file’.
A TYP file defines the look of roads, ways, paths, areas, points of interest (POI), etc.. Normally it is part of the gmapsupp.img map file. In FancyRoute an optional TYP file can be specified.
A good overview about the actual definition point, road and area definition gives the map key. The command ‘Menu-Map-Map Key’ shows it.
use defaults
This option uses a basic, internally defined look and feel. Select this option if no other TYP definition is available at all.
use image file
Most of the precompiled map files contain a TYP definition. This option uses the look and fee the map defines.
use typ file
The map look and feel will be taken from an external TYP file. The path to a precompiled TYP file must be specified in the edit field. This is the method recommended to ensure that all maps have the same look and feel. It implies that the user has created a personal typ file.
The path to the TYP file may contain the placeholder <MAPDIR>
refers to the folder containing the map.If multiple maps are defined in
the map field the folder of the first map will be taken.
Let’s assume that the map file is specified to be in d:\OSM\20191013\Maps\Europe\gmapsupp.img
would find the TYP file in d:\OSM\20191013\Maps\Europe\normal.typ
The TYP file has a binary format. For further explanation in respect of creating your own TYP file please refer to