Create Milestones


This dialog can be found in ‘Menu-Projects-Create Milestones’. Its main purpose is to create equidistant points of interest along a route or track.

The distance can be specified, as well as name and symbol.


milestone distance

This field specifies the distance value the milestones will be away from each other.


This field specifies the unit for the distance set above.


This field specifies an offset added to the milestone distance just for labeling purposes. It is normally set to 0.


This field specifies the name of the milestones, enhanced by user defined placeholders.


Currently not used.


The symbol for the milestone to be created.


The name of the milestones (field ‘label’) may contain placeholders:

placeholder description
%c Zero based index (e.g. 0, 1, 2, …, 12, 13)
%C Zero based index, zero aligned (e.g. 01, 02, …, 12, 13)
%i Integral distance corresponding to the specified distance and unit.
%I Integral distance as above, zero aligned
%f{0..3} Floating point distance (e.g. %f1:7.0; %f2:7.00; %f3:7.000; )
%% Percent sign


Example 1

  • milestone distance: 1
  • unit: km
  • label: %I km
  • offset: 0
  • symbol: Default

The output formats to:

0 km
1 km
2 km
3 km

Example 2

  • milestone distance: 1
  • unit: km
  • label: M%c: %f1 km
  • offset: 1.5
  • symbol: Default

The output formats to:

M0: 1.5 km
M1: 2.5 km
M2: 3.5 km
M3: 4.5 km